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This calendar outlines all topics of the course and has links to all lecture videos and slides.

Week 1

Aug 21
Intro, Logistics, Computers
Aug 23
Languages, Hello World
Aug 24
Lab Printing

Week 2

Aug 28
Memory, Variables, and Input
Aug 30
Data Types and Operators
Aug 31
Lab Variables and Expressions

Week 3

Sep 4
No lecture meeting - Labor Day
Sep 6
Intro to Logic, Conditionals and String Functions
Sep 7
Lab Conditionals

Week 4

Sep 11
Style, Conditionals, String Functions
Sep 13
For loops, Range, While
Sep 14
LabLab 4: Loops

Week 5

Sep 18
Sep 20
Exam 1
Sep 21
LabLab 5: Functions

Week 6

Sep 25
Functions Pt. 2, Scope
Sep 27
Lists, Mutable/Immutable
Sep 28
LabLab 6: List Functions

Week 7

Oct 2
Oct 4
Oct 5
LabLab 7: Book Analysis

Week 8

Oct 9
Watch lecture on YT: 2-Dimensional Lists, Nested For Loops, Images
Oct 11
Image I/O, Docstrings
Oct 12
Project Details Coming Soon

Week 9

Oct 16
Destructive vs Non-Destructive Functions
Oct 18
Testing Code: Assert, Edge Cases
Oct 19
LabLab 8

Week 10

Oct 23
Pass-by-Reference vs Pass-by-Value
Oct 25
Intro to Algorithms, Runtime

Week 11

Oct 30
Tuples, Sets (Guest Lecture by Josh Vermette)
Nov 1
Time/Space Complexity, Big O
Nov 2
LabLab 9: Sets

Week 12

Nov 6
Exam 2
Nov 8
Runtime and Algorithms
Nov 9
LabLab 10: Wordle Game

Week 13

Nov 13
Tech Interviews and Career Paths
Nov 15
Syntactic Sugar: Comprehensions, Unpacking, Ternary Operator
Nov 16
Lab Lab 11: Syntactic Sugar

Week 14

Nov 20
Software Engineer Toolkit: Linux, Git, VSCode, StackOverflow, LinkedIn
Nov 22
No Class - Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 23
No Class - Happy Thanksgiving

Week 15

Nov 27
Syntactic Sugar: Comprehensions, Unpacking, Ternary Operator
Review for Final Exam
Keeping in touch
Nov 29
Review part II, How to Use Generative AI
Nov 30
Final Exam

Week 16

Exam week
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