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This page is still getting updated. Please check back in a few days for the full list. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to your instructor.


Abenezer Dara

I graduated from Dartmouth College with a double major in Computer Science and Political Science. For my undergrad thesis, I worked on developing algorithms to gauge public opinions on economic and political situations from social media posts. After graduation, I joined Google as a software engineer on the YouTube team. I’m part of the Creator SRE team, which is responsible for building tools that keep YouTube functional for channel owners. This semester, I’ve taken a bit of a break from my usual work at Google to fully immerse myself in teaching this class. I’m looking forward to a great time together!

Howard Teaching Assistants

Danielle McIntosh

I am a Junior Computer Science major at Howard University from Kingston, Jamaica. My favourite programming language is Python, but I also enjoy doing electronics projects using C++. In my free time, I enjoy working on my website and swimming. I love traveling and trying food from different cultures.

Google Teaching Assistants

Abby Schmiedt

Hi all! I’ve been a Software Engineer at Google for about 5 years now. I spent 3 years working on the Kids Coding Team where I worked on a JavaScript library that supports applications like Scratch, and AppInventor. Currently, I help create fun interactive exhibits that people who come to Google can play with! Outside of work, I enjoy doing random crafty things (like trying to paint my kitchen chairs bright yellow) and exploring the Bay Area. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Anjali Krishnan

Hi, I’m Anjali! I’m a software engineer at Google, and I work in the Global Networking team. I’m originally from the San Francisco Bay Area and went to school in SoCal to study data science at University of California, Irvine. I’m currently located in SF and in my free time I enjoy watching new movies/tv shows and going to cool restaurants. Look forward to meeting and working with you all this fall!

Linda Xiao

Hello! I work at Google as a software engineer in Workspace Abuse & Safety Protections, which means defending against spam, phishing etc. I grew up in San Jose, went to college at Dartmouth and joined Google as a new grad in 2020. Now I’m back in the Bay Area and living in SF! I like knitting, hiking and streaming the latest reality TV.

Maceo Thompson

Hi! My name is Maceo Thompson and I’m a Software Engineer on the Go Security and Reliability team. I was born & raised in Brooklyn, New York, and am lucky enough to also be working in the city postgrad. I’ve focused mostly on developer-facing programming, so if you’re interested in programming language development, API/SDK development, or generally why you have to do things a certain way I’d love to chat! If you reach out to me at my google email, please include [CSCI 100] in the subject line.

Michelle Roxas

Hi there! My name is Michelle and I’m a SWE based out of Google’s office in Cambridge, MA. I graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2020 with a B.S. in Computer Science; while there, I worked at a local startup before interning twice at Google and eventually returning for full time. Currently I work on Google Cloud Monitoring managing our backend infrastructure and APIs, but I’ve also worked on Google Shopping and Chromium in the past. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Paridhi Khaitan

Hi everyone, I’m Paridhi - a Software Engineer at Google and have been working on the Local Search team for over a year now. I graduated from UC San Diego in 2021 and moved to San Francisco shortly after. I love exploring new places and spending time on crafts! Really excited to be a support system for you this semester and look forward to meeting you all.

Sophie Wu

Hi everyone! I’m a software engineer working on the Access Management team at Google. I am currently based in the Bay Area, and before moving here, I studied Computer Science in Los Angeles. In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, climbing, and trying out new food.

Umer Abdullah

Hello everyone! My name is Umer and I’m a Release Engineer at Google working on Android. Prior to moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, I was working in Canada contributing to the efforts of Google Cloud. Incredibly excited to be meeting and working with all of you!

If you email me, please put [CSCI-100] in the subject line.